Flying Chicken
I didn't think I could fly
Thought I'm a chicken, that's why!
Accept your fate, eat humble pie
People will love you,
and that is why.
I saw my reflection
Saw a funny little thing
Looked closer to grasp it,
saw a pidgeon with clipped wing.
The wings are growing
The pidgeon can fly
People do love me,
and that is why!
Body & Mind
From Strength 2 Freedom
Seasonal Nuisances
Can't cheat the Sandman
The Way We Are
Stupid Hormones
Happy Bunny
Sometimes it's hard
Fables, Poems, Parables
Live and Let Live
Monk and the Traveller
Flying Chicken
A Little Tale

About Health
Iron Ladies
Sexist Bacteria-Cystitis
Head Cold
Health Tips
Meeting the Doctors
Going To The Bathroom